Our Pastor
Rev. David E. Roberts, II
Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Savoir, Jesus the Christ.
We would like to thank you for taking the time to view our website. What joy it brings us that you are interested in knowing what the Lord is doing here at Morning Star. We hope and pray that you will find something to inspire you to seek God and his wisdom – in doing so, you will find that your life will become full and enriched.
Sister Roberts and I ask that you pray for us as we continue to be led by God here at this House of Prayer. We are ordinary people , bonded together in love, called by God to do his work. The prayers of the righteous availeth much.
We, by God’s grace and mercy, have been blessed to be married for 31 years and from that union we have experienced the joys of parenting two wonderful sons and a niece. Therefore, we honor, respect and cherish the institution of marriage and the family.
Morning Star is a place where families gather to worship God freely. We have ministries that are enriching and add to the spiritual growth of all age groups. We welcome you to come and worship with us … come and let us experience God together at “A Church Where Everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord” God bless
Rev David E. Roberts, II